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Archive and Research Centre for Women's History

Archive and Research Centre for Women's History


Femmes et hommes en guerre, 1914-1918

Women and men to war, 1914-1918

This book focusses on the many upheavals ordinary men and women faced during the First World War and the tensions between old and new ideals. Themes as mobilisation, violence, work and the care for the wounded, intimacy and family life, charity and resistance are approached in an innovatory way.

An encyclopaedia of women’s history in Belgium

In 165 thematic entries, this encyclopaedia offers a clear and accessible overview of the many aspects of political, social, professional, cultural, family and associative history that have marked the daily lives of Belgian women.

Mères et pères : le défi de l'égalité

Mothers and fathers: the challenge of equality

Two centuries of parental roles are covered in this book. From the 19th century family model that referred women to marriage, motherhood and domestic life, to a model that incorporates equality and diversity nowadays.

Women’s and gender history in Europe

A small selection of the numerous websites that bring together ressources for women’s and gender history in specific countries. For the timing being, the focus is on Europe.

Women’s and gender history by period

Networks and websites with resources for gender history in a specific historical period. For the Greek-Roman Antiquity and the Middle Ages, you’ll find some sources online.

Portal sites

Here, you’ll find the websites of international networks and websites that give access to collections of archives from different countries.