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Archive and Research Centre for Women's History

Archive and Research Centre for Women's History

Garçon ou fille... un destin pour la vie? Belgique 1830-2000

Boys and girls… an (un)known destination? Pedagogical tool

This pedagogical tool is realized in connection with the exhibition Boys and girls… an (un)known destination ? It focusses on the history of ideas on feminity and masculinity in 19th and 20th century, and how these evolving views influeced the family, school and work. The tool contains 15 thematic cards with exercises and background information, and 40 historical documents to work with. The three central topics in the tool – family, school and work – connect with the own experiences of pupils and with their family history, which makes reflection and discussion easier. The reproduced documents are very diverse, cover two centuries of Belgian history and stimulate historical criticism.

A pdf-version of the tool is available in French and Dutch. For a high resolution of these files, please contact us by mail.

E. Flour, Cl. Marissal, E. Gubin, Garçon ou fille… un destin pour la vie? Belgique, 1830-2000. Dossier pédagogique pour enseignants, Bruxelles, AVG-Carhif, 2009, 69 p.