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Archive and Research Centre for Women's History

Archive and Research Centre for Women's History

Forum for gender history

The Forum for Belgian Research in the History of Women, Gender and Sexualities aims at offering historians who are engaged in history of women, gender and sexuality, a place to meet and to present their current research to each other.

The Forum is open to everyone in Belgium who does scientific research or has an active interest in the research of history of gender and sexuality from antiquity up to the present. It organises once a year a seminar where starting as well as more experienced researchers present their current research and where there is room for consideration and discussion.

The Forum organises an intern mailing list for communication on publications, conferences, seminars, workshops etc. It acts, together with the AVG, as Belgian partner in international networks around the history of gender and sexuality such as the International Federation for Research in Women’s History.

The forum diffuses information via the website of the AVG. It is coordinated by the members of the board of administrators of the AVG and will maintain privileged relations with Sophia, the Belgian interdisciplinary network of women’s studies.

Once a month, we send out the Newsletter of the Belgian Forum for Gender History. You can subscribe here.