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Archive and Research Centre for Women's History

Archive and Research Centre for Women's History

Femmes et hommes dans l'histoire : un passé commun (Antiquité et Moyen Age) : un nouvel outil pour l'enseignement de l'histoire

Femmes et hommes dans l’histoire : un passé commun (Antiquité et Moyen Age) : a pedagogical tool for history teaching.

History taught at school spreads still too often the idea that women only played a secundary role and that it isn’t necessary to emphasize that role. However, women and men together have build up the society they live in day after day.

Femmes et hommes dans l’histoire is a pedagogical tool that wants to show that another history is possible. As an extension to the existing history manuals, it allows to integrate a history of women and men in the classical courses. The manual offers teachers richly documented model lessons on the history of men and women through antiquity and the middle ages. In an exploring manner, the tool opens the way to a more complete and more realistic history, that of a common past where women appeared as real actresses at the side of men on the political, social, economic and religious scene.

Femmes et hommes dans l’histoire: un passé commun (Antiquité et Moyen Âge), by C. Marissal in collaboration with E. Gubin, C. Jacques en A. Morelli, Namur, Labor Education, april 2013.

This manual is only avaible in French.

With the support of the Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles and the Institute for the Equality of Women and Men.