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Archive and Research Centre for Women's History

Archive and Research Centre for Women's History

Women’s and gender history in Europe


RoSa : kenniscentrum gender en feminisme

Languages: Dutch, (English)
The website of RoSa offers in the section ‘Het geheugen’ a lot of information on women’s history: a timeline, fact sheets, portraits of important women… Furthermore, the online catalogue refers to a rich collection of publications on women’s history.

Fonds Suzan Daniel

Languages: Dutch, French, English
The Suzan Daniel Fund was founded in 1996 to collect, order and make available all kinds of materials from the gay/lesbian and transgender past to interested people. For the preservation of its collections, it works together with other archive centres, such as the AVG.



Language: French
Mnémosyne aims at promoting the development of women’s and gender history in France. The website offers an agenda of conferences and congresses on women’s history organised in France or abroad. Moreover you can find a series of links to websites of other organizations.

Archives du féminisme

Language: French
This centre dedicates itself to giving more visibility to archives of women’s organizations and feminist militants in France. Is it also at the origin of the Centre des Archives du féminisme à Angers.

Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand

Languages: French, English
La Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand est un lieu de référence pour la France. Elle a été créée en 1931 à partir de la collection de la féministe Marguerite Durant. Sa mission de bibliothèque domine, mais le centre conserve aussi des archives et des manuscrits. The Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand was established in 1931, starting from the collection of feminist Marguerite Durand. The is first and foremost a library (30 000 books, more than 1000 titles of magazines), but the centre preserves also a number of archives and manuscripts.


CID | Fraen an gender

Languages: French, German (English)
CID | Fraen an Gender wants to give more visibility to the political and creative role of women from Luxembourg’s past and present. The collection covers a wide variety of themes, from the international women’s movement, research on gender, women’s art and biographies to literature.

The Netherlands

Atria – Kennisinstituut voor emancipatie en vrouwengeschiedenis

Languages: Dutch, English
Atria, founded in 1935 as Internationaal Archief van de Vrouwenbeweging has a rich website. The library catalogue and other databases give access to the collections. Furthermore, there are thematic introductions and teaching packages.

Vereniging voor Gendergeschiedenis

Languages: Dutch, English
The ‘Association for Gender History’ supports research in women’s and gender history in the Netherlands and Flanders. The website keeps you informed about the state of affairs in this domain. It also gives access to the periodical Historica.

Digitaal Vrouwenlexicon van Nederland (DVN)

Languages: Dutch, English
The Digital Women’s Lexicon of the Netherlands was started in 2003. It offers short biographical sketches of women who played a role in the history of the Netherlands and the colonies from the earliest times till around 1850.

United Kingdom

The Women’s Library

Language: English
The Women’s Library (formerly Fawcett Library) is the oldest libray and archive center of the women’s movement in England. Since 2013, it is embedded in the London School of Economics and Political Science. The LSE-library catalogue gives separate access to the Women’s Library collections,

Sisterhood and After : an Oral History of the Women’s Liberation Movement

Language: English
The project ‘Sisterhood and After’ is the first major oral history project, initiated by the Leverhulme Trust, in collaboration with the University of Sussex, the British Library and the Women’s Library. It documents memories of women that were at the forefront of the Women’s Liberation Movement in the 1970s and ‘80s. The interviews with feminists are online accessible and accompagnied by images and documentation on the treated subject, such as: family and children, sexuality, bodies and minds, education, activism, etc.

Feminist Archive North and South 

Language: English
The Feminist Archive is situated in two locations in the United Kingdom, in Leeds (Feminist Archive North) and Bristol (Feminist Archive South). The Feminist Archive houses collections of individual women, women’s organizations and conferences. It holds local, regional and inter/national feminist newsletters, journals, pamphlets and posters. Furthermore, there are research interviews, audio-visual documents and ephemera.

Feminist Library

Language : English
The Feminist Library in London is an independent and activist library and archive. It holds a large archive collection of Women’s Liberation Movement literature, particularly second-wave materials dating from the late 1960s to the 1990s. The Feminist Library supports research, activist and community projects.

Glasgow Women’s Library

Language: English
Glasgow Women’s Library is an Accredited Museum housing a lending library, archive collections and museum artifacts that celebrate the lives and achievements of women. Set up in 1991, it delivers several innovative projects as well as programmes of events, learning opportunities and other activities to diverse audiences all over Scotland. Since 1995 it also houses the national Lesbian Archives.

Germany – Austria – Switzerland

i.d.a – Dachverband deutschsprachiger Frauen / Lesbenarchive, -bibliotheken und –dokumentationsstellen

Languages: German, English
i.d.a. rassemble depuis 1994 les bibliothèques, centres d’archives et centres de documentation féminins et lesbiens de langue allemande. Plus de 30 centres d’Allemagne, Autriche, Suisse et Luxembourg  peuvent être retrouvés via i.d.a. suivant leur nom, leur localisation, leur spécialisation et les services qu’ils offrent (ex. Qui possède du matériel sur le mouvement féminin international? Où trouver des photos? Quels catalogues sont en ligne?). Depuis 2012, META, une base de données commune aux différentes organisations, permet de chercher dans le catalogue de toutes ces institutions.

Archiv der deutschen Frauenbewegung

Languages: German, English
“Archiv der deutschen Frauenbewegung” conserve des archives relatives à l’histoire des femmes et des mouvements de femmes en Allemagne des années 1800 aux années 1960. En plus de sa mission de conservation, le centre organise différents séminaires, conférences, concerts et expositions afin de promouvoir l’histoire des femmes. Le catalogue en ligne permet d’effectuer des recherches dans la collection de la bibliothèque de références ainsi que dans certains inventaires de fonds d’archives.

Fondation Gosteli

Languages: French, German, Italian, English
La Fondation Gosteli a été créée en 1982 et est un centre d’archives sur l’histoire du mouvement féminin en Suisse. Elle possède une bibliothèque avec catalogue en ligne, une photothèque, des revues, affiches, dossiers biographiques, …  Ses fonds d’archives permettent de retracer l’histoire du mouvement féminin suisse depuis le début du 20ème siècle.

Archives du MLF

Language: French
Les archives du MLF, créée en 2009, conservent et ouvrent au public les archives du Mouvement de Libération des Femmes de Genève.

Southern Europe

Società Italiana delle Storice

Languages: Italian, English
The SIS, founded in 1989, wants to encourage women’s and gender history, in education as well as in research. The website pays among others attention to publications, seminars and congresses, research projects, vacancies and scholarships. Under ‘Biblioteca’ you can search through the contents of magazines and consult a number of documents in pdf, mostly texts from lectures and open letters.

Bibliotheca delle Donne (Italian Women’s Library)

Languages: Italian, English
The Italian Women’s Library in Bologna is today the principal collection specialized in women’s culture, gender and feminist studies in Italy. A “Digital Library” project has started to digitalize rare books, documents and images to preserve them for posterity and make them accessible to the online user community.

Northern Europe

Kvinnehistorie (Norway)

Language: Norwegian
This website unfolds in four chapters the Norwegian women’s history: education, political rights, the feminism of the seventies and work. Next to that there are portraits of important women and a timeline. Every section has numerous possibilities to click further.

KvinnSam – National resource library for gender studies (Sweden)

Languages: Swedish, English
KvinnSam, located at Gothenburg University Library, is a special library for women’s, men’s and gender studies. The website gives an overview of the ‘women’s archives’ and access to various databases (bibliographies, PhD’s, experts gender studies…). Under ‘Portals’ you’ll can find web modules about the women’s history in Sweden: suffrage, the access to higher education, work, the women’s peace movement, feminism of the 1970s …

Central and Eastern Europe

Women’s memory project

The Women’s Memory project uses oral history and narrative interview methods to registrate the life stories and opinions of three generations of women (born between 1920-1962) in post-socialist countries. It was initiated in the beginning of 1990s by Gender Studies o.p.s. in Prague, and covers now also the Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Poland, Ukraine and Montenegro. A large part of the very informative website is available in English.