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Archive and Research Centre for Women's History

Archive and Research Centre for Women's History

Miet Smet, trois décennies de politique d'égalité des chances

Miet Smet, three decades of equal opportunities policy

At the request of the Institute for the Equality of Women and Men, the AVG worked on a ‘biography of equal opportunities’ of Miet Smet, based on a number of interviews. Miet Smet put her stamp on the Belgian policy about the equality of women and men, first as State Secretary for Social Emancipation and then as minister for Equal Opportunities. Violence on women, gender neutral job classifications, the wage gap, the representation of women in advisory councils… are topics that Miet Smet has put on the political agenda for the first time. This book gives an overview of Miet Smet’s career, with the emphasis on her realisations concerning the equality of women and men.

This book is available for free, in French and in Dutch, at the Institute for the Equality of Women and Men (on paper, or as PDF via the website).

Cl. Marissal, Gubin E., Jeanne Vercheval : Social and feminist commitment, Brussels, Institute for the Equality of Women and Men – AVG-Carhif, 2011, 220 p.