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Archive and Research Centre for Women's History

Archive and Research Centre for Women's History

Boys and girls… an (un)known destination? Belgium, 1830-2000

At home, in the classroom, at work… stereotypical ideas about boys and girls, men and women, circulate everywhere. These ideas are not so ‘natural’ and constant as they seem to be. They arise in a concrete, historical context, spread and are subject to protest and change.
The richly illustrated book ‘Boys and girls… an (un)known destination?’ shows how the ideas about masculinity and femininity evolved in Belgium in the last two centuries. And together with these ideas the real life of men and women changed: the meaning of fatherhood and motherhood, toys and clothes, visions on education and work.

This publication was realized in connection with the exhibition Boys and girls… an (un)known destination? Belgium, 1830-2000 (BELvue museum, February 3 – May 31 2009).

The book is available in French and in Dutch and can be ordered at 10 € (+ 2,5 € shipping costs for Belgium).

E. Flour, E. Gubin, Cl. Marissal, R. Cockx, L. Van Molle, C. Wallemacq, Boys and girls… an (un)known destination? Belgium, 1830-2000, Brussels, AVG-Carhif, 2009, 87 p.