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Archive and Research Centre for Women's History

Archive and Research Centre for Women's History


Liberating women, changing the world: feminism in Belgium in the 1970s

In the early 1970s, feminists took to the streets. Their militancy was young and dynamic: they wrote, talked and listened, demonstrated and campaigned. Their desire was for a society dedicated to solidarity, equality and self-determination for all. The exhibition “Liberating women, changing the world” (2020) explores their views and actions.

An encyclopaedia of women’s history in Belgium

In 165 thematic entries, this encyclopaedia offers a clear and accessible overview of the many aspects of political, social, professional, cultural, family and associative history that have marked the daily lives of Belgian women.

Mères et pères : le défi de l'égalité

Mothers and fathers: the challenge of equality

Two centuries of parental roles are covered in this book. From the 19th century family model that referred women to marriage, motherhood and domestic life, to a model that incorporates equality and diversity nowadays.