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Archive and Research Centre for Women's History

Archive and Research Centre for Women's History

Eliane Vogel-Polsky, a woman of conviction

Following a request from the Institute for the Equality of Women and Men, the Archive Centre on Women’s History organized a series of interviews with Eliane Vogel-Polsky. This renowned jurist, specializing in labor law and social law, has devoted herself to the equal treatment of women on the labor market, to political equality and parity, over several decades on both national as international fields.

Prof. Eliane Gubin, with the assistance Catherine Jacques (ULB), wrote an inspired biography on Eliane Vogel-Polsky, based on the above-mentioned interviews. She brings a clear picture of the bigger stages on Vogel-Polsky’s track, and of her judicial line of thought.

This book is available for free in Dutch, French, and English at the Institute for the equality of women and men (paper vesion, or PDF).

Eliane Gubin, Éliane Vogel-Polsky, a woman of conviction. Brussels, Institut pour l’Egalité des Femmes et des Hommes – AVG/Carhif, 2007. – 176 p.