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Archive and Research Centre for Women's History

Archive and Research Centre for Women's History

Gender@war 1914-1918: women and men to war

Gender@war 1914-1918 shows visitors some of the many upheavals ordinary men and women faced during the First World War: its disruptive impact on work and family, the violence they both experienced, their joint contribution to the war effort, and more. This richly illustrated exhibition focuses on Germany, Belgium, France and Great Britain. Taking an original and comparative approach, it will make you think about the effects of armed conflict on the status of men and women in society.

This exhibition (Dutch/French/English) was set up at the BELvue museum in Brussels from 9/9/2015 until 3/1/2016 and continued as a traveling exhibition afterwards. If you wish to borrow it, please contact us.

The exhibition is accompanied by a book, written by Eliane Gubin and Henk de Smaele: Femmes et hommes en guerre, 1914-1918 / Vrouwen en mannen ten oorlog, 1914-1918 (published in French by La Renaissance du Livre, in Dutch by Davidsfonds).

An educational tool is also available in Dutch and French.

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